![]() [10 : 106] "You shall not worship beside GOD what possesses no power to benefit you or harm you. If you do, you will be a transgressor." |
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05 May 2010
10. [ يونس] Yunus (NABI YUNUS) Yunus : 106
10. [ يونس] Yunus (NABI YUNUS) Yunus : 85
![]() [10 : 85] They said, "We trust in GOD. Our Lord, save us from the persecution of these oppressive people. |
10. [ يونس] Yunus (NABI YUNUS) Yunus : 54
![]() [10 : 54] If any wicked soul possessed everything on earth, it would readily offer it as ransom. They will be ridden with remorse when they see the retribution. They will be judged equitably, without the least injustice. |
10. [ يونس] Yunus (NABI YUNUS) Yunus : 44
10. [ يونس] Yunus (NABI YUNUS) Yunus : 39
[10 : 39] Bahkan yang sebenarnya, mereka mendustakan apa yang mereka belum mengetahuinya dengan sempurna padahal belum datang kepada mereka penjelasannya. Demikianlah orang-orang yang sebelum mereka telah mendustakan (rasul). Maka perhatikanlah bagaimana akibat orang-orang yang ZALIM itu. (QS. 10:39)
[10 : 39] Indeed, they have rejected this without studying and examining it, and before understanding it. Thus did those before them disbelieve. Therefore, note the consequences for the transgressors.
[10 : 39] Indeed, they have rejected this without studying and examining it, and before understanding it. Thus did those before them disbelieve. Therefore, note the consequences for the transgressors.
10. [ يونس] Yunus (NABI YUNUS) Yunus : 23
![]() [10 : 23] Maka tatkala Allah menyelamatkan mereka, tiba-tiba mereka membuat keZALIMan di muka bumi tanpa (alasan) yang benar. Hai manusia, sesungguhnya (bencana) keZALIManmu akan menimpa dirimu sendiri; (hasil keZALIManmu) itu hanyalah kenikmatan hidup dunia, kemudian kepada Kamilah kembalimu, lalu Kami kabarkan kepadamu apa yang telah kamu kerjakan. (QS. 10:23) [10 : 23] But as soon as He saves them, they transgress on earth, and oppose the truth. O people, your transgression is only to the detriment of your own souls. You remain preoccupied with this worldly life, then to us is your ultimate return, then we inform you of |
10. [ يونس] Yunus (NABI YUNUS) Yunus : 17
![]() [10 : 17] Who is more evil than one who fabricates lies about GOD, or rejects His revelations. Certainly, the transgressors never succeed. |
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